Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools Day ~ Amaryllis

The Aprils Fools Joke Is On Me !

A few weeks ago I posted about my Amaryllis that hadn't bloomed in the last 3 yrs.

Then there it was Peeking it's head out at me !
I was so Excited !!!!

Watching & Waiting with Excitment

Then there it was in full bloom on April 1st !

It's not Christmas but I'll take mine in April please !

It's TWINS !!!!

I'm A Proud Mom !!!

Ain't She Purdy????

Now if I can just get my Christmas Cactus To Bloom on Christmas instead of Thanksgiving ???


1 comment:

  1. Oh, yes! It's right purdy! We have one planted directly in the ground that blooms in the summer. Don't know how people get those Christmas plants to bloom at Christmas.
