What a Very Cute & Unique Shop !
Located in Morrilton, Arkansas
Check them out on Face-book
This little shop is PACKED with Treasures
inside & outside!
Vivid Colors all around!!!
This Gals has it going on !!!
She knows a "Treasure" when she sees it!
she took an old Chair bottom & attached a piece of an old folding screen & made a unique piece.
This would be Great in a Bathroom to hang Towels on!
Just go CRAZY with it!!!!
Loved this cute Polka Dot Valance
with the old pages from a Book made into a Garland!
She has Retro!!!
Shabby Primitives
Funky Wicker & Lamp Shades
Furniture & Pillows
Vintage Glider with Burlap Feed Sack
Refurbished Pieces ... ready to take home with you!
We had a Great Time while we were on this Treasure Hunt
We will be revisiting this Town again Soon!
While we were there ~ outside in the parking lot
we found this little Guy & his ( Brother/Sister )
in a knot hole in this tree
This Little Guy was Shy!
He says Whooo do you think you are ~ I'm trying to sleep here ?
Please go away!!!
In my life I had never dreamed that I would ever see this so Up Close in the wild
then even be able to touch him too.
What a TREAT that was to me !